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Thursday, February 4, 2010


The only constant in life is change. I am learning to embrace and appreciate everything that comes into my life as a new opportunity for growth. Some days I am better at that than others but when I think of how far I have come I know it is all worthwhile.

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful man named Leo Buscaglia. As I sat in a darkened classroom watching a film of one of his lectures, his words brought tears to my eyes. I looked around the room to see if anyone else was having this reaction.... my life was forever changed.

I have to always remember to stay true to myself. I can't be something I'm not but I can aspire to be the best possible me. When it is quiet and I can let my inner most passion and energy surface I can feel the transformation taking place.

We can't undo anything that has happened. Honestly, I wouldn't even want to but we can redo and change our lives into anything we want them to be!

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