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Monday, March 24, 2014

Creating Abundance

Many people comment on the fact that I seem to easily create abundance in my life and think there is some mystery or trick to doing it themselves.  Nothing could be further from the truth - it is actually very easy once you understand that it is all how you think or feel about it.

I have created some very simple but effective little ways that always produce great results for me.  Part of that occurs just because I believe that I have the power to influence everything I do. 

When paying bills it is typical to feel a sense of lack, money going out.  So, I decided to turn that around.  Now when I sit down to write checks I think to myself that this is no longer money that I owe but it is actually money that I am earning.  I can't tell you how often I do this especially if I have a large bill to be paid and have received a check in the mail for the exact amount. 

Before and during medical examinations I concentrate on the strength and health of my body and that even when the results seem negative I focus on the opportunity I have for learning about what I can do to improve my physical condition.

I also share my well being with others in any way that I can, even if it is only to send them a prayer for whatever they may need in their life.  Every time I give my time or energy to help someone else it comes back to me ten fold.  It really is the little things that make the biggest difference and that combined with genuine gratitude creates beautiful abundance in my life.

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