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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Downsizing Adventure

I’ve been considering moving for several years now. I have wanted to downsize and move somewhere warm and be close to the water.

I’ve grown weary of the cold winter weather in Colorado and no longer need to live in such a big house. I thought a small condo in Florida would be perfect, so I began my scouting mission.

After visiting a few different cities, I settled on Fort Myers in the Southwest part of the state. It’s much smaller than Denver and seems like a very nice area. I really appreciate that the population is much closer to my own age and there are a lot of activities geared toward older adults.

Little did I know that this move would come with plenty of surprises!

A New Lifestyle

Living in that environment would be a dramatic lifestyle change for me. I would no longer be dependent on a vehicle as many areas are within walking distance.

There is also a vibrant downtown area with many year-round activities that I would really enjoy and it would also give me the opportunity to meet more people and be a part of the community.

The Time is Right

As I began sorting through my things, I wondered how many emotional landmines I would hit that might make me reconsider my decision. Surprisingly, there were very few and I knew that I was ready for this change in my life.

I saved the most precious of my belongings and mementos and let the rest go. It was time to make some new memories.

My New Home

I found just the right place, a lovely, secure condo, overlooking the river with everything I wanted right outside my front door. This was so exciting, now all I had to do is put whatever I’m keeping into storage, rent my house and move into my new home.

It’s amazing how much energy you have when you are preparing for something new!

Plans Change

Just a couple of weeks away from the move and I got a call from my realtor. The owners had decided not to sell the condo and were taking it off the market.

I was actually out with my family when I got the call. I thought I would be more upset by the news, but that was not the emotion that surfaced. Somehow, I felt that it was all for the best and for some reason this was not what was supposed to happen.

So now, with no home to go to and no idea of what I was going to do next, I thought seriously about just staying where I am, at least for the time being. That didn’t feel right either, so with no plan – I’ve decided to go anyway.

Opportunities Are Endless

In the past, when I’ve dared to take a big risk, I always asked myself “what is the worst that can happen?” The answer has never been anything that I couldn’t deal with or accept so it made it a lot less scary to go ahead with it.

Now, after a few of those things turning out better than I could have ever imagined I have learned to ask myself “what is the best that can happen?” The answer to that is why I am going.

I believe that everything works out exactly as it needs to and that there are so many wonderful possibilities that I must be meant to discover. So, I will take this grand opportunity and see what develops.

The Adventure Begins

So, now that my journey has changed from a relatively safe and easy relocation to an uncharted expedition, I feel nervous and more than a little anxious. Fortunately, I also feel very free and unencumbered. I will pack my one carry-on bag and just see what lies ahead.

The very best that can happen is that I have a fantastic adventure and have many new stories to tell in my next article!

Wishing you all safe and happy travels!

What major life changes have you made since turning 60? Have you downsized or moved to a completely new area? What motivated you to make such a big change in your life? Share you stories and join the conversation!

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