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Friday, March 1, 2019

The Beauty of Aging

Aging is such an interesting journey.  At 50, I was in love and living in Ireland.  My life was so full of joy that I was convinced life couldn't get any better.

Back at home, after turning 60, a shift occurred that I never expected.  In an instant, my life became very clear.  I no longer believed that I had forever but at the same time was sure that life was just beginning. 

It was a moment that carried me far beyond anything I could have ever imagined.  No more longing for the past or wishing for what could have been.  My vision was fixed clearly on my future, no matter how long or short that might be. 

The gratitude and appreciation I have for making to it to this point is immeasurable.  So much has happened, that in no small way, I'm amazed to have made it this far.

I'm no longer living for someone else,  but finally,  maybe for the first time ever, for myself. 

There is something so beautiful and pure about this process.  We never know where we are going until after we have arrived. It's only then that we truly discover where the path was leading. 

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