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Monday, May 25, 2020

More Joy and Satisfaction

  • Practice more deliberate intent before I act
  • Pay attention to how I feel
  • Appreciate all of the abundance I have right now
  • Trust the process and get ready for what’s next
  • Focus more on my heart’s desire and less on outside events
  • Remind myself that contrast does not need to be painful
  • Acknowledge all that is in the process of becoming
  • Look for thoughts that are in harmony with me
  • Have more fun

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Guest Bloggers Wanted

Do you have a fun or uplifting story to share?  Maybe just some lovely photographs of something beautiful.  If so, we would love to publish your work.  We look forward to hearing from you!
Guest Post Guidelines:
1.    All content and/or photographs must be original.
2.    Guest post should be non-commercial, with no product or           company promotion. 
3.    Submission topics should be inspiring and positive in nature.
4.    Please include a short bio and any website or social media           accounts for credit.
5.    Submissions should be 100 – 500 words in length.
6.    PFH retains editorial control of all content.
7.    Send submissions to

Friday, May 1, 2020

Precious Pennies From Heaven

This week was my mother's birthday.   She would have been 97 years old and I'm sure she would have been incredible at that age.

When I was growing up, she always taught me to trust in the universe. She would say "you will get pennies from heaven, just when you need them".

After she passed away, I started seeing pennies everywhere. There were always 2, even when something cost 99 cents, I would receive 2 pennies change.

I always felt like she was close to me in those moments and that it was her way of saying hello.  

Today, as I was moving out of my apartment, I was checking to make sure I didn't leave anything behind and what did I find but 2 pennies.  They were at the very back of an unused shelf and instantly I knew mom was with me.

What a beautiful and loving reminder of a lesson so long ago.