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Monday, September 23, 2024

Trust Your Instincts

How often do you feel discomfort about a situation and dismiss it?

I do it far too often. It's rare for me to look back at my initial reaction and think it was wrong.

Usually, the mistake I make is ignoring my feelings and going against my own best judgment.

In “The Gift of Fear” Gavin DeBecker writes brilliantly about this common and dangerous tendency, especially among women. 

We are taught that being nice is more important than being safe. 

We are afraid of offending the stranger on the elevator that gives us the creeps, or we hesitate to confront the friend or family member who is verbally abusing us.

We have an amazing gift of intuition and usually know when something is not right. 

I am learning more everyday how important it is to trust my own instincts and stay safe.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Season of Change

This is the time of year when I begin to sense the coming change of season.  The Autumnal Equinox is a very powerful time of year for me and always signifies great change.  It feels like the energy of an approaching storm.  

My excitement and anticipation are increased because it is always a positive shift that occurs during this time.  I take quantum leaps out of my comfort zone into the pure joy of something new.

My mother commented when I was a young girl that most changes occurred for me in the Spring and Fall and that I should pay close attention to what was happening in my life around those times each year.  

As a farmer's daughter she understood the relevance of the earth cycles and how each of us has our own "season".  This is my time of year and I'm anxious to see what new and wonderful experience awaits me!

Saturday, September 21, 2024


A wonderful change has occurred within me.

I no longer feel the need to resist anything.

Those things that I once felt compelled to push against are part of someone else’s struggle, not mine.

Now, I spend my energy more wisely, focusing on the things I care about most - love and kindness.

Keeping the spotlight on the beauty makes everything else pale in comparison.